Friday, May 27, 2011

if only i had the luxury of space

oh, and money. did i mention that? because that's what it would take for that many pairs of fabulous brown shoes. it would be nice.

but what kind of character building would a good closet make? this is what i tell myself, anyway.

brought to you via apartment therapy

Thursday, May 26, 2011

a real LOL

LOL is overrated. i mean, really--how many times do you really laugh out loud every time you use LOL??

well this one was a real LOL.

my fiance makes this face all the time and i say to him "i can't wait until we have a child who makes this face and then i can say 'you are your father's child.' "

so, via email (since he couldn't give me the face in real life) he sent me this picture. with those big ol brown eyes, light hair, and big bottom lip, i don't doubt one of our kids really will look like this. and i can't wait :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

once i was an artist

you might guess that my creative juices have come to a slight trickle, but really i've just been directing them elsewhere lately.

i've decided to embark on a new journey in life. before i have material to show you all i will say for now is it involves a sharpie pen, 4x6 cardstock, and the recipient of my mind's eye these past few weeks.

i think the first 5 years out of college must be the most important in life. its where i've learned the most about me, the most about God, and the most about life. i've learned that life isn't a balancing act. just because you escape a bad situation doesn't mean the next one will be rainbows and unicorns. sometimes you just have to make the best of your situation. and sometimes you have to take everything out of the equation except for yourself and God in order to make something work.

i've also learned that it is important to have at least one hour per day devoted to yourself. may sound selfish, but how many of you do that? wouldn't it be easier if between getting ready in the morning and going to work, or between leaving work and coming home you had an hour just to yourself? i think my whole day would be more productive. because then my whole day wouldn't be a constant struggle between doing my duties and taking care of me.

so that's what this new journey is about. getting back in touch with my "me." it's funny how for so long you define yourself as something only to end up years down the road and realizing you have hardly done any of those activities that once defined you. for me that's drawing, painting, anything visually creative. once i was an artist--i'd like to get to know that side of me again.

for now it will only be a side project. profit will not be a goal. but maybe several years down the road (if i should be so lucky to have my own plans align with God's plans for me) i can make it a full-time kind of thing. i can only hope.

right now i'm just excited!

Friday, May 6, 2011


i work in the tile business. and i'll admit, people generally want the same thing, and they always want it 3 seasons behind it's popularity in the design world.

so naturally, 1x1 glass mosaics are huge right now in my neck of the woods. i'm a little over it, especially when combined with travertine--oh, what a novel idea! not.

but not this puppy.
love it. it looks so essspensive!

i could find plenty of things to do with that.