today i went to fairhope, alabama for work (like i do pretty often, at least once a month). recently a job opportunity has arisen that involves relocating to fairhope, which would be a dream i've had ever since the first time i visited that wonderful little town. it's playing with my emotions, as one side of me says "pursuing happiness may not always be pursuing God; happiness is selfishness" and the other says "you can follow God and still follow your dreams." i've been thinking about it non-stop. more than my upcoming wedding or the business i just started, or anything else that far more greatly deserves my attention.
well today, i parallel parked my car, got out, and like i do every time i'm there, walked over and ignored the dedicated bricks which line the sidewalks of downtown fairhope. but on my way back i walked directly over this one, pictured above. i didn't notice or read any others but this one. i actually stopped in my tracks and stared down as the brick almost read itself out loud to me. i got to my trunk to unload my bag and thought "you're being silly, it's just coincidence" so i traced back a few steps to read it again thinking "they probably all have inspirational quotes on them." nope. they don't. most of them just have names. in fact, all that i could see far enough to read were just names.
the problem and the solution is, fairhope is not a well-developed plan i have. it's just a hope. just a dream. i don't place myself much further past walking the streets of downtown on a pleasant afternoon, or enjoying a picnic at the park by the bay. the truth is, fairhope is only where it begins. God can plan the rest, if fairhope is his beginning for me. i'm just hoping for once that my own dreams can align with his.
and, marybeth--i don't know who you are, but i like you.
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