the scenes across the south remind me of a movie. it's unbelievable. but with the death tolls rising it makes it all the more real. with family and friends scattered all over the south, i am so fortunate not to have anyone that was injured.
i think in situations like this, especially for those affected, it is so important to remember who our God is. He is good and wise and SO loving beyond measure. because of Jesus, and because he took on the weight of our sin, we are no longer punishable for sin and therefore God does not punish, nor does he bring disaster upon his children. there is good in this world and there is evil. God is good. always and only.
please say a prayer for the people affected by this horrible storm. for those who lost their lives, their families, those displaced from their homes, and those still searching for loved ones. because of God there is always hope in tragedy and light in the darkness.