cold weather. and things that keep you warm.
i'm a warm-weathered gal, but on the flip side of that i also hate humidity. i've decided i'd much rather be cold inside of something warm than sweat on my walk from the car to the front door. (know why humidity sucks so much? when you sweat, the water on your skin evaporates into the air, giving you a cooled-off kind of feeling. but in humid climates, the air is so wet already, that the sweat on your skin can't evaporate so you're hot and sweaty with no relief. evil, evil humidity!) cold weather also means well-behaved hair, of which i'm much a fan.
back to cold weather and warm things...
some of my favorite warm things are scarves! in florida one rarely uses scarves, but you can tell that we love them just the same, as they make appearances whenever possible, even if not totally necessary. hey, scarves are awesome. check out some scarvish possibilities:
the cashmere scarf. ahhhhh. pure delight. god bless the person who developed cashmere.
the ever-growing-in-popularity pashmina. it's a type of cashmere, and most commonly is found in the above format. it can be used for warmth, modesty, or both. and in the world of scarf-fashion, there are many different ways to fashion a pashmina scarf. i only know one, but it does just fine.

the indie patterned "scarf." i use quotations here because they don't really offer a whole lot of warmth. some even call them the "summer scarf" because they can be worn as a fashion accessory in the summer. hah-yeah right...maybe if you live in montana. sorry, if you wear one of those in the south in the summer, i will secretly laugh at you. winter: different story.

the scarf grandma knitted for you that goes in and out of fashion over the years. you know what i mean. the one that you had in a box in your closet that you broke out to show off when the "grandma scarf" came back into style. and when all your friends ooh and ahh over it and ask "where did you GET that scarf?!" you can smugly say "oh this old thing? i've had it for years. my grandma made it for me for my 6th birthday." "omg, that is SO cool! i wish my grandma made me scarves!" (she did. you sold it at the family yardsale when you were 13, remember?)
lastly, the "is that a scarf or do i need to call animal control services" scarf. for some reason these are big right now. to me they look highly aggravating. at some point it would tickle my neck one-too-many times and i'd rip it off and leave it on the ground and never look back. i have a feeling these will be items laughed at in future years when people break out the photo albums. i can hear it now: "mom! what on earth are you wearing in this picture?!" but for today, go ahead. sport that furry little creature on your neck. you're cool...for now.

the indie patterned "scarf." i use quotations here because they don't really offer a whole lot of warmth. some even call them the "summer scarf" because they can be worn as a fashion accessory in the summer. hah-yeah right...maybe if you live in montana. sorry, if you wear one of those in the south in the summer, i will secretly laugh at you. winter: different story.

the scarf grandma knitted for you that goes in and out of fashion over the years. you know what i mean. the one that you had in a box in your closet that you broke out to show off when the "grandma scarf" came back into style. and when all your friends ooh and ahh over it and ask "where did you GET that scarf?!" you can smugly say "oh this old thing? i've had it for years. my grandma made it for me for my 6th birthday." "omg, that is SO cool! i wish my grandma made me scarves!" (she did. you sold it at the family yardsale when you were 13, remember?)

stay warm out there! wherever you are!
merry christmas and stay tuned for more!
merry christmas and stay tuned for more!
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