a white christmas.
it's no longer a dream. it happened! my first one EVER! for all of you in shock, remember i have only ever lived in the south. snow is rare, and it's usually a one inch dusting. but for this christmas, we had a rare treat. and i loved every minute of it.
here are some phone shots along my christmas journey:
after the miserable rain and slush ended, and i approached cullman, alabama along interstate 65 on christmas day, all of a sudden there was snow. it was big fat snow, too! driving in soft-falling snow is so cool! that tiny little car up in front of me is the feller (he continued from huntsville up to fort wayne, indiana yesterday). shortly before this he pulled up beside me and we exchanged big grins. the best christmas present EVER!

i didn't make it to my parents house until dark, so i missed out on the majority of the snow on christmas day. BUT here's what greeted me sunday morning. i've experienced snow few times in my life. the one thing i love about snow in the south is everyone stays in. you walk outside and all you hear is quiet. it is probably one of the most peaceful sounds i've ever experienced.

God really knew what he was doing when he created the earth. and to think he considers us worthy enough to share it with and enjoy sights like i got to see this christmas weekend.
i hope your christmas was equally as beautiful.
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