Tuesday, December 28, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #12

a white christmas.

it's no longer a dream. it happened! my first one EVER! for all of you in shock, remember i have only ever lived in the south. snow is rare, and it's usually a one inch dusting. but for this christmas, we had a rare treat. and i loved every minute of it.

here are some phone shots along my christmas journey:

after the miserable rain and slush ended, and i approached cullman, alabama along interstate 65 on christmas day, all of a sudden there was snow. it was big fat snow, too! driving in soft-falling snow is so cool! that tiny little car up in front of me is the feller (he continued from huntsville up to fort wayne, indiana yesterday). shortly before this he pulled up beside me and we exchanged big grins. the best christmas present EVER!

the evergreen trees were dusted with white, just like you see on a christmas card

i didn't make it to my parents house until dark, so i missed out on the majority of the snow on christmas day. BUT here's what greeted me sunday morning. i've experienced snow few times in my life. the one thing i love about snow in the south is everyone stays in. you walk outside and all you hear is quiet. it is probably one of the most peaceful sounds i've ever experienced.

downtown huntsville is just over that mountain. and my mom lives in the valley just to the right (out of the picture). mountains? in alabama? yep, they're there. i promise.

and my lonesome drive home. no more snow, but at least once i got south of montgomery and out of the posterior birmingham traffic, it was smooth sailing all the way home. it was a clear night, and a beautiful sunset.

God really knew what he was doing when he created the earth. and to think he considers us worthy enough to share it with and enjoy sights like i got to see this christmas weekend.

i hope your christmas was equally as beautiful.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #11

christmas yum-yums.

whether its giving or receiving, holiday goodies are always welcomed. and hey, everyone expects everyone to pack on a little "winter insulation", so indulge a little. it only comes once a year!
here's some treats i got from one of my neighbors. i have only talked to her once (to apologize for my dogs bombarding her dog), but she made us some treats. it was so sweet! and they were oh so good!

the white pretzel things are (what i can guess anyway): white chocolate bark containing crushed m&ms and pretzels. mmm! the brownies have (top to bottom): brownie, ooey gooey fudge, marshmallow, more brownie, and then pecans. heavenly.

and so sweetly presented! thanks joe and carlee!

here's a recipe for one of my favorite treats: holidays or any other time of year. every time i make them they are gone in an instant. they are very easy (but very tedious--not something to throw together in an hour).

oreo balls:

step 1: take one package of oreos and dump the whole thing in a food processor (or take 2 trips to the blendor). or if you're like me and have neither, you triple-walmart bag it, put on your cowboy boots, and stomp those suckers into a fine power. see above.

step 2: take one package of softened cream cheese and add to oreo "powder"

step 3: mix cream cheese and oreo "powder" until you have one giant lump of oreo "dough"

step 4: roll the dough into millions of tiny balls, about the size of quarters (ok so it's not a million, but it feels like it!). place the dough balls in the frig or freezer until the next step is ready

step 5: while your balls are cooling off in the frig (no snickering, please!) double boil or microwave chocolate of your choice. white chocolate is in the classic recipe, but i've done white, dark, and milk. they're all great. note: if your makeshift double boiler isn't quite fool-proof, just mircowave them on half-power. i got water in my mixture, and water in chocolate ruins it...found that out last night.

step 6: remove the dough balls from their cooling place. they should be firm so that they stay on a toothpick without sliding off (very important). spear yourself a ball, dip it in your melted chocolate, and place on non-stick foil or wax paper to dry. it's best to promptly remove your toothpick to prevent cracking (as seen above). for whatever reason, white chocolate dries harder than others.

step 7: enjoy!

merry christmas! we're getting closer!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

side note:

tilly really hates it when i dress her in things.

this look says "you think this is funny? yeah well i'm going to eat your entire sofa tomorrow while you're at work and you don't even know. you don't even KNOW."

(her legs are too short to wear it, anyway. she always trips on the sleeves. it's a little bit funny.)

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #10

christmas windows.

this is my christmas window. i dreamed about constructing this since before i even got this job. i knew exactly what i wanted to do. it's no 5th avenue window, that's for sure. but on a $50 budget, i think i did pretty good. if downtown pensacola was equivalent to 5th avenue, we'd take the gold.
see for yourself.

what's that beautiful stone in the middle? why, that's philadelphia travertine. thanks for asking!

white subway tiles with a beveled edge? yes, please.

cotton balls on fishing line in pensacola = snow.

so there you have it. make sure if you're in your own downtown to check out the christmas windows. someone worked very hard on it!

merry christmas! stay tuned...

Monday, December 20, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #9

remembering christmas.

making christmas lists, getting out boxes of decorations, making sure the tree is straight, transfering money from your savings to your checking multiple times in a week, finding your scarves, planning christmas parties, baking, eating, singing, finding a parking space that isn't the next county away from the mall, fitting your cart down the crowded wal-mart aisle, fighting crowds, calculating costs in your head while your arms are full of gifts, moving bags from the trunk to the back seat because your trunk is full, did you get something for her? how about him? and you still have to run to the store for her, wrapping, taping, labeling, stacking

and then...wait a second....

it's christmas. THIS IS CHRISTMAS!
this is the time that my God picked unworthly little ol me to send a savior for through the humble birth of a child. wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.

this is it. this is the reason we should spend our whole lifes in gratitude and worship.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #8

the tree.

whether you're a real or fake christmas tree kinda person, decorating the tree is probably one of the most memorable parts of christmas. personally, i like real tree. you can't beat that smell, and setting up the fake ones are such a pain (getting it out of storage, figuring out how it fits together, unfolding the branches and fluffing them while trying not to injure your fingers on the pokey fibers, and turning it so the side that leans doesn't show). this year, due to lack of space, i went with a small tree. a 4-footer. we named him linus (after our lost dog and my most favorite christmas soundtrack, which was playing in the background: a charlie brown christmas).

this is linus, right after i got the lights on him.

i even created a mantle this year, using a simple bookshelf and customized target stockings ($1 for the stockings, $3 for the silver pin-on initials: dana, jeremy, tilly, susie). nothing fancy, but it adds some warmth.

close up of the "mantle" decorations (mostly just trying out my camera's capabilities)

led light strings (so you can leave them on all night, not worry about the heat or the spike in your energy bill)

stringing on some pearls (my own personal tinsel substitute).

the family heirloom box, full of ornaments hand-made out of old costume jewelry by my grandmother who died when i was young. they are some of my most treasured possessions. susie's big fat tail knocked one off of the lower branches, so her and tilly took to nibbling on it. i spent an entire hour putting it back together (and even longer not speaking to my dogs after that stunt). check out some of them up-close from last christmas.

it wouldn't be a tree decorating party without warm drinks! we stopped at starbucks on the way home; i got a caramel apple spice, the feller got an eggnog latte. delicious!

so let's review: the smell of fresh evergreen + charlie brown christmas soundtrack + christmas beverages = a great evening!

merry christmas! stay tuned for more

Thursday, December 16, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #7

giving back what has been given to us.

people refer to christmas as "the season for giving" all the time. well it's true. we give on christmas because God gave us the most precious gift of all on christmas. we give because he gave, and we love because he loves. christmas is not only a rememberance of this, but it is an attempt for the human race to be "loving" and "generous" and "kind-hearted".

even with all this, pensacola is a harsh reminder of how christmas doesn't always shine in a positive light for some. for those it is lonely, dark, and cold. pensacola claims one of the largest homeless populations (for it's size) in the united states. i have physical reminders and convictions every day to remember those without. if you don't get to experience that, well then here's my reminder to you.

in addition to your family and friends, why not do something for a perfect stranger this year, to let them know they are loved? it's not too late to do even a little something.

here are some some websites for great places to give (click on the pictures):

the people of world vision are wonderful. during some of their fundraisers, they have promised to take donations you give for one day and multiply them by two, sometimes even four. they make it very easy to help out someone in need. aren't you glad we have the internet??

this one requires the most challenge. it is a list of people in need who make "wishes." no one is limited to how little or how large of a need they wish to have filled, so it's your choice on how to give. it may be as simple as sending a christmas card, or as complicated as picking a family who needs a christmas. one lady i talked to told me her kids don't ask for anything for christmas. WHAT? can you imagine being 6 or so and NOT begging your parents for everything you see on tv during the holidays. what humble, deserving children. if you chose to go this route (if you go now and overnight your package, it will still be there before christmas!) i promise it is rewarding.

here's another one that makes it easy for you. it's your selection, and they arrange for your account to be automatically drafted each month, should you chose to do so. or you can select a specific cause for a one-time donation. if you chose a child, you can send letters back and forth with them, and it is so heart-warming to receive a letter from a child.

let me make a reminder here: this is not a karma game. i'm not doing this so you "earn points" with anyone. when we give, we are only doing our duty.

"To whom is given much, much will be demanded."
Luke 12:48

merry CHRISTMAS and stay tuned for more!

Monday, December 13, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #6

your family's favorite christmas movie.

what's mine: national lampoon's christmas vacation.

the older you get, the more you catch the little things, and the funnier it gets. another perk to watching it every year: memorizing the lines and sharing them with fellow christmas vacation lovers.

"our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name....and forgive MY HUSBAND, he knows not what he does."

"she'll see it later, clark. her eyes are frozen."

"that there is an R.V...now don't you go gettin attached to it, cuz we're takin it with us when we leave here next month."

"do you hear it? it's a funny squeaky sound!"
-"bethany, you couldn't hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglyceride plant."
--"shh, quiet... I hear it too"

"welcome to our home--what's left of it"

some of my other favorite's not accompanied by photos:

"at least you don't have to share a bed with your brother. do you know how twisted that is?? i have nightmares about what he does in his sleep when i'm not lying right next to him."

"aunt bethany, you shouldn't have!"
-"oh dear, did i break wind?"
--"geeze, bethany did the whole room clear out? she means the presents!"

"aunt bethany, would you like to say grace?"
-"grace?? she passed away 20 years ago!"
--"no, no, they want you to say grace! the BLE-SSING!"

"and why is the carpet all wet, TODD?"
"i don't knoww, MARGOT!"

"hey griswald, what you gonna do with a tree that size?"
-"bend over and i'll show you"
"hey you got a lotta nerve talkin to me like that!"
-"i wasn't talking to you!"

if you get it, you're probably laughing.

merry christmas! s****er was full!

make sure to laugh, and stay tuned for more!

Friday, December 10, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #5

nothing calls for the warmth of others like christmas. cold weather, the feel goods and all those other snuggle-inducing feelings.
whether it's your life partner

your favorite pet

an unexpected visitor

your best buds

or the new best thing in your life

find your favorite warm person(s) and/or animal(s) and snuggle up!!
merry christmas and stay tuned for more!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

dana's favorite things: christmas 2010 #4

cold weather and warm shoes. in other words: boots!
boots are another thing southerners love to spring out at the first sign of cooler weather. emphasis on the "cool." because never does anyone wait until a boot is actually needed. no sir. because by then we'd have to wait another month. unacceptable. and once that first person decides "i feel a breeze in the air...i'm going to wear boots today" then it doesn't stop. its a snowball effect. everyone is showing off their boots for fall.
so first things first:

the cowboy boot. the staple in every deep southerner's wardrobe. summer, winter, fall, or spring, a cowboy boot never fails as the attention-getter. whether yours have seen barns, pastures and cowpatties, or the broken glass covered dance floors of nashville, they get er done.
the classy spin on the cowboy boot: the riding boot. they're tough, low-profile, and sleek. and they've become very popular lately. they're on my list of wants.

what do you even call this? the buckle tough-guy boot? a motorcycle riding boot? i don't know if i could pull them off, but just today the girl at the local cafe was sporting some with black tights and a gray short skirt and it was cute. maybe you could pull them off too?

the "i don't go anywhere but to dinner and cocktail parties" boot. these would most likely be acompanied by a long wool coat (possibly a fur collar?) and flashy jewelry. every once and a while a retail store worker sports them during christmas but you can tell you'd hate to be their feet at the end of the day.

the short boot. i have to admit i have a big ol' crush on these fads. they'll probably go out of fashion as quick as they came in, but i like them. i'd wear them. they're a good alternative if you don't own enough skinny jeans to tuck a pair of boots into, or you honestly don't want to dig through your sock drawer to find a pair of socks high enough that won't slide down into the inaccesible region around your heels while in tall boots. it's happened to the best of us. after sticking a number of long objects down the back of your boots, you finally realize you're only option is to 1: remove the boots either in public or the bathroom, 2: pull up your mis-matched christmas socks so far your toes almost have wedgies, and 3: put the boot back on and hope that dang sock stays in place! ...but in addition to that, these are just good-lookin.

the slouch boot. i own 2 pairs of these in short and tall and have to say i love them. they're warm, no fuss, and can be dressed up and down. a classic to own, sure not to go out of style anytime soon (at least not to my knowlege. but hey, i live in the warmer part of the region which also happens to be the last to receive fashion tips so maybe i'm living in a world of slouch bliss ignornance. but i don't care.)

and let's not forget "boots with the furrr" exploding in popularity thanks to flo rida (yes, that's florida with a space in the middle--brilliant). think back to junior year of college....everyone knew the words to that song.
and next thing you know, shorty got low.

it's painful, i know, but i couldn't leave them out. last and least: the ugg boots. there are theories that the name stems from the latin meaning for "why would you do that": "ugly." despite arguments for comfort (which have also been used for crocs, but hey, crocs have made leaps and bounds since the original; i now own 2 pairs and you'd never know they were crocs..step it up ugg), the brontosaurus-shaped footwear have been doing nothing for feet for at least 5 years now. and somehow they even have magical powers that make the section of your legs from below the knee to upper thigh resistant to cold weather. how do i know this? because girls insist on wearing them with shorts/skirts and northface jackets. did i miss something? when did this fashion make an appearance on the runways of nyc?
that is all.
find yourself an attractive pair of boots and keep warm!
merry christmas and stay tuned for more of dana's favorite things.