Friday, January 11, 2013

pregnancy senioritis

i've hit a wall. i'm done. not with pregnancy, though. i love carrying a baby. yes, i am one of those rare women who loves being pregnant. sure it has it's disadvantages, but in general i've been very blessed in pregnancy.

i'm done with everything else. everything that's keeping me from focusing on these last few weeks as a pregnant woman. i'm done with work. i'm done with favors. i'm done with being polite. i'm done with to-do lists. what i'd really like to tell everyone is "no. i'm not putting anything else on my schedule to get done until this baby comes, because, in case you forgot, i could have a baby any minute." (this, of course, excludes time with friends because i like that, and i won't get much of it soon.)

i'm also working up until my due date. that's always been the plan. am i a crazy person? i think so. because i didn't realize that during your last month of pregnancy you only have half a brain. i don't know the science behind it, i don't know if it's been proven or not, but i'm telling you, it's true. i do things that seem perfectly logical only to later completely question my own rationale. it came in small bouts earlier in pregnancy, but now it's constant. i can look at someone with my full attention, listen to the words that come out of their mouth, digest it, and forget it the next day.

i feel exactly like i did my senior years of high school and college--senioritis as they call it. i'm just done.

on another note, if all of this stress doesn't send me into early labor, i am perfectly on track for a baby in two weeks. all the things in my body that change and progress to prepare me for pushing a human out of my you-know-what are progressing exactly as they should. i have a "textbook" pregnancy, apparently. at work we like to play a "where is baby?" game, because sometimes he or she looks to have dropped and then 2 days later will move up high again. so every morning i come in and the girls gather around my belly to take a look.

speaking of my co-workers, they are so awesome. monday we were supposed to get together for a "girls night" and it ended up being a surprise baby shower for me! it was so sweet! and good to spend time with them outside of work's stressful environment. i also had a small shower last weekend with close family and friends, which was also wonderful. you should see the decorations i got to bring home and hang in my nursery! and all the great stuff i got! we are so blessed. my husband thinks we've gotten more for the baby than we did at our wedding. i think he's right! (sorry i have no pictures up yet--things are still making their way into place.)

one of my favorite baby things is the swing. it looks so comfortable and plays soothing nature sounds. it makes me want to be a baby. sometimes i stand next to it and turn on the sound-maker so baby can hear it...ok, and maybe because i like it, too. maybe when he or she is here it will be a familiar sound and it can be a place of peace (and quiet)!

we have also had a small financial blessing come our way. i knew it would happen. i knew that something had to happen because God always takes care of us--always--i just didn't know when or how. i had gotten to the point where i didn't even want to look at our financial situation for the upcoming months. now we can breathe a little while i'm on maternity leave!

i've made a full recovery from my hospital stay with food poisoning. i did have horrible cankles and some mean acid reflux from all the fluid they pumped into me while there. but they have both resided, thank goodness. back to normal! my strep b test came back negative which means i've got the "ok" to labor at home as long as i feel comfortable. i've been practicing my breathing and my yoga ball exercises, and i've started a list of music i may find comforting during labor (if any).

so here's hoping the next two weeks go by much smoother than the last. baby will be here sooner than i know it!

also i'll gladly take bets on the sex of the baby :)

1 comment:

  1. It's true about the brain thing, I know this because I am still experiencing it.. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Hugs!
