my blogging juices have run dry. although my life is not boring or still or uncreative, i just can't think of anything blog worthy. so here's just some minor things that i'll share with you.
1. i've been on the road a lot lately for work (moving into outside sales). i spend a lot of time in alabama, our close neighbor to the west and north, and my home sweet home. this point right here is the favorite part of my drive. for a while i (somewhat illegally) still had my alabama license plate. in february i finally gave in to the law. it's a weird feeling. i feel like a stranger in my own state and sometimes i don't recognize my car for the florida tag.

2. another thing i like about alabama: fairhope. but that's no secret about me. one of the many many reasons is it's antique and consignment stores. i found 2 of these puppies last week and they are priced to steal. i think i need them in my life. but i think my bank account says otherwise...

3. this is where i live. i am truly blessed and half the time i forget that and get on with my complaining. i don't love pensacola, but i can't imagine living anywhere that doesn't have an ocean nearby. it is SUCH a privelege that i take for granted. my flesh wants to get out of this town eventually, but a tiny part of me sees me raising my children at the beach and calling life "wonderful." so anyway, this was the view on our walk to the beach saturday morning. spf45, an hour and a half at the beach, 75% of that time under an umbrella and i still managed to turn pink. ay yay yay, the life of a pale girl. oh well.

4. we have a fine little family owned market in town called
apple market that has all kinds of neat things. and if they don't have your neat thing, they'll order it in for you. i don't think the one pictured above was ordered, but it sure is original. i didn't have any because it was 10am and i was there for coffee (didn't need an overdose). but i am bound to try it.
so that's what's new with my life. that and starting my own business on the side. what? huh?
that's right, you heard me. more on that later.
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