great idea.
secondly, i've launched my website!!
(no peeking, allison smith. unless you just can't resist. but i couldn't very well send out stationery without a website to reference! yours is on it's way!)
for the first time in my "career" as some form of an artist i have seen the fruits of my labor. and it feels good. when i finally get the margins and the color right and that piece of cardstock comes out of my printer--it's the most exited i've been since finishing one of my story boards in design school (and the much needed sleep that followed). for the first time i feel like i'm on the right path, like i actually know how to bring something creative into the world. i've had a lot of success on paper, but this is the first time i've seen success on...well...paper--but not that kind of "paper", real paper.
yyyyaaaayyyyyy!!! new adventure, here i come!