Friday, January 14, 2011


not only does apartment living prevent you from doing what you want entirely on the inside, but you also have a lack of control on your "curb" appeal. i don't have a front entry. i have a foyer, which i share with 4 other units. all we have to our own is our front doors. and here's what they look like:

isn't it beautiful? just look at that paint job! the precision! the accuracy! first-class painters, i can assure you.

that is what my door looked like. only my 5 was misplaced, mis-spaced, and hanging crooked. every day i see that five a little part of my soul dies. EVERY DAY. today was the final straw. first i yanked the 5 off and grabbed the hammer to fix it to the door in correct position. but then i thought "what good will that do if there is still messy white paint all over it? i know, i'll repaint it in gold paint." well i didn't have gold paint. i had the basics. and of course, if you know me, you know the first one i went for is red. hey, if i can't have the red front door, i'll at least have red front numbers.

and tada!

here i am! i almost outlined them in white but then i thought "red and white A? don't think so."

if the complex gets mad, i'll buy them another brass and tacky 5 and A from walmart for 5 dollars. either way they either have an exciting red pair, or they have a fresh new pair hung correctly without the special touch of the talented painters.


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