Monday, August 9, 2010


a family of four + a large dog all in this tiny cabin. at first i was like "umm, yeah, no way." but once i took the virtual tour, i found it strangely calming. after sharing with some co-workers, it became quite the conversation piece. you'd be surprised how many people dream of a beyond-simple and crowded little cabin in the middle of nowhere. i'll admit--its appealing, for sure.

nothing but you and the wilderness. no modern-day technologies, no communication with the outside world, no luxuries--living how God intended us to live: with the bare minimum. part of this desire might be my longing for a canadian summer climate because i sure wouldn't want insulation-free walls in the winters, there! but man, it sure would feel great right now. the 110 heat indexes are getting to be a little much.

it consists of a 10x12 living space (including kitchenette) and a 6x10 sleeping space, for a whopping 180 sq ft total, plus a deck. but let's not forget the acres and acres of forest where you can have all the alone time you want if things get crowded!

check it out and tell me if by the end of the article you don't want to spend some time here. make sure you check out the view from the outhouse!

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