this stuff really exists. i saw it with my own eyes last night at wally world. and you know if pensacola wally world has it, that means it's probably been on the market for some time, seeing how behind we are down here.
it's kind of sad that our nation doesn't get the nutrients we need from the foods in which they occur naturally (examples: fiber, vitamins and minerals in vegetables, amino acids). it's not uncommon to see "now with {insert underconsumed nutrient}!" on the label of popular foods these days. yogurt has fiber, organge juice has calcium, and now...
drum roll...
peanut butter has omega-3 fatty acids.
now read the ingredients.

in case you are unsure of your eye sight quality, yes, that says "anchovy and sardine oil, tilapia gelatin..."
choosy moms choose fish.
our national diet trends remind me of this old time favorite. great show.
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