growing up has its shares of ups and downs, but i'd have to say one of the most surprising downs is how quickly your body loses its tight teenage youth. i mean i'm 24 and already i have to exercise reguarly and eat lean cuisines at lunch to keep a somewhat decent figure. now. i'm aware this isn't the fate for all women. some just naturally have a fit figure, even if they never eat veggies and only run if they're being chased or trying to make it to the conference room before all the good food from the meeting is gone (skinny girls of the world: if you for one day take for granted your effortless perfect figure, i will cut you....just kidding...sort of).
all this being said, there is one very painful time of the year that one in florida (or the south in general) simply cannot escape: the time to buy a new swimsuit. usually i put this off until end of season for the discounts (and because my the end of these sweltering summers in a kung fu academy with no a/c, i've usually sweated off an extra 5 pounds). and let's face it. there's nothing exciting about covering a curvy adult body with a teenage looking 4 inch piece of nylon with a millimeter thick triangle of padding (this might be appealing to the rougher sex--here's a secret: most girls dread it!). and when you're 5' 2" there's no need to box up your short-enough torso in a one piece if you don't have to. you get the point.
however, this memorial day my step-aunt modeled a very supportive and youthful swimsuit from lands end. she's about my size, 2 kids, and she looked great. this sparked my curiosity, and along with the offer from my mom to buy me TWO new suits since they were on sale, i gave in. WITHOUT trying on, even. this could be dangerous, but for free, its worth it when you're poor. so i selected the following two swimsuits.

they arrived yesterday and reluctantly i tried them on. after properly adjusting the straps, i cautiously moved to the mirror. angels sang. an ocean breeze came out of nowhere and gave me windswept hair. it was by far the best swimsuit try-on experience ever. we're talking underwire, padding that feels like more than a piece of sandwich cheese--we're locked and loaded. give me 10 foot waves and a fierce game of beach volleyball (i don't do beach sports, but for the sake of the visual, let's pretend i do)--things are staying put, if you get what i'm saying.
now i can confidently say: grown-up, real-looking women of the world, its time to move to a full support swimsuit. put down the roxy swimsuit from dillards--it won't do anything for you, honey. you're better off going in your underwear. i would by experience recommend lands end for sure. they have this cool option that lets you shop by body type. plus the prices aren't that bad (right now most are half-off) and for the quality and fit you get--it sure is worth the money. every limp target swimsuit i've ever purchased has lasted 2 seasons at best. florida living deserves more.
give your body the respect and support it deserves. i'll never go back to an ordinary swimsuit.

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