how am i surviving these tough times? well, wall-itin (walgreens brand of claritin), mucinex, and this little weapon: hot tea. now, not that i'm particular to any kind of tea for allergy treatment, but bigelow (my favorite tea brand) makes a green tea with lemon. i've been a fan of this tea since around new years when i gave up caffeine (not permanently, no no no-- dunkin donuts just opened right around the corner from my apartment and it is nearly impossible to pass up hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar--no, i just gave up drinking it every day; DON'T recommend dropping the habit cold turkey if you ever get the same inclination...we're talking headaches, irritability, wanting to kill for a 10am nap...not good). ok back on track:
today i discovered this little puppy is my secret weapon. i noticed my allergies were especially bad. to the point where i wanted to rip my sinuses out through my nose, egyptian style. then i realized "hey! i didn't have my tea this morning!" at first, this was totally unrelated. but then after inhaling the steam and a few big gulps, i noticed my allergies were calmed almost instantly. don't ask me why. i just know it works for me.
so if the pollen brigade hasn't reached your neck of the woods yet, i recommend stocking up.
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