little known fact: i am addicted to chapstick. any kind. it started with carmex and i've branched out since then. now i'm quite the chapstick snob. this weekend i bought the above lip balm. upon application, the delicious smell gave me an instant "holy cow this smell is familiar" flashback. isn't it weird how that happens with smells? well anyway, i knew it smelled like italy (when i say italy, i mean summer 07) but i couldn't figure out what in italy it smelled like. after several more applications, it hit me. i have actually had this lip balm before, on my study abroad trip to europe. then i remembered the tragic story of how i lost it...
my friends and i were meandering down a street in barcelona after enjoying some delicious paella. most side streets in europe are small, room enough for one car, and they're mostly used for pedestrians. so here we are, walking, and i go for the after-lunch lip balm application and accidentally drop my burt's bees in the street and it rolls out a few feet. knowing there were no cars, i casually walk over to pick it up, and just as i get up to it, some tiny little motor vehicle zooms in front of me, crushing my lip balm and almost taking out my foot. it was like lightning--i didn't even hear the speed demon approaching. it was so sad. luckily i had some other sort of lesser chapstick, but i remember that one being a great chapstick. the scent memory is a peculiar one, isn't it? if it weren't for me buying that chapstick, i never would have recalled that incident.
lesson learned: when you value something that much and you're traveling in a location where a replacement is not available, always buy two. and if you're buying chapstick, burt's bees replenishing lip balm is an excellent choice!