check these out.
some of the best design sites ever. well, according to this guy. i don't disagree much.
some of the best design sites ever. well, according to this guy. i don't disagree much.
the one above, from http://www.miraentuinterior.com/ is right up my alley. mmm, pasta. the best thing about these giant wall stickers is that they're temporary, snazy, and you can customize the color.

another great one? http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/
not only are there great ideas, projects, befores and afters, but there is this scavenger section such as this one, from los angeles. only big cities are featured, but if its good enough, you might could pay for shipping? there's been some really great stuff, like this sofa.

keeping in the season, there's a lot of christmas ideas that have been on recently, as well. one involved using old blue-prints as wrapping paper. if you're a designer, there'd be no mistaking from who that present came from. plus i'm sure it'd help clear out all that mess that architects love to collect ;)

I actually wrapped all my family's gifts in old drawings last year!! They were a hit, but little did they know that I had actually just forgotten to buy wrapping paper and happened to clean off my desk the same day :) great idea, though!