its beginning to smell a lot like christmas thanks to my frasier fir wreath and tree! i have holly growing in my front yard, so that was quite convenient. then i got some sparkly snowflakes at target-- pretty good looking wreath if i do say so myself. its even a wee bit cold down here in the gulf coast-- congrats to those of you who got snow. i'm jealous.
i thought this post would be to share with you a very special part of my christmas. my dad's mom (who died when i was 3ish) made these ornaments several decades ago using old jewelry an silk ornaments (by the colors i'm guessing late 60s or 70s). they are absolutely beautiful and i was lucky enough to be their keeper when i moved out of the house. each one is different. there are yellow, avocado green, and 2 red ones (the red, of course, are my favorite). its always been a mystery of where my artistic talent came from, but i like to suspect it came from her. that coupled with my mom's and dad's precision and math skills...that's where you get an art-loving math whiz like myself (tests in school showed i'm equally right and left brained--not sure if that's unique or just mediocre, but i like to think its unique). some say architecture might have been more my niche, but i disagree.
ok back to the ornaments. here are a few of them! maybe they will inspire you to get creative and make some of your own christmas ornaments in a similar fashion. i think i also solved the mystery behind why all the old ladies ask for costume jewelry at yard sales...maybe???
isn't the red one spectacular! i love putting that one on more than i do the star :)
do great things and merry christmas!!