finally! the 90ish degree weather with 89% humidity has up and left pensacola. i'm a warm-weathered gal, but it was just getting way too much to handle. fall swept in overnight and i am finally able to enjoy the things i love about my favorite month of the year.
here are some things i find enjoyable in fall:

caramel apple spice from starbucks. we went through the drive-through and the feller asked "don't ya'll have like an appple cider?" and the voice behind the menu said "um. no. but we have something that's about 10 times better than an apple cider." so we got ventis and he made us taste it right there so he could see the satisfaction in our face.

old navy cardi-coats. you know, the ones with the weird commercials. well i bought one because they were on sale for FIFTEEN BUCKS. well worth the money. its cute, warm, good for outdoors during fall and those of you who are as unfortunate as me and have an office that constantly runs the a/c like its mid-august in mexico.

these are too neat. i love pumpkins. i love pumpkin muffins. crate and barrel offers a 2-in-one. its a win-win. now if only they weren't $34 + shipping.

in addition to the taste of pumpkin, the smell of it also is equally amazing. wondering who offers the best pumpkin smell? well that would be pier one in my opinion. and they're usually on sale right now. hurry quick!
this is probably more spring appropriate but i wanted to throw it in to show an example of what to do if you're ever spending the weekend in the thriving metropolis of crestview, florida. go to the feed store. hold a baby duck. it was my first time, and it was all that i imagined it would be.

cowboy boots. every southern woman should have a pair. also, consider them as an alternative to ugg boots. please. much more attractive than wearing a dinosaur on your foot.
that's all for now--i hope you have pleasant weather where you are!
do great things!
when i went to work this morning, it was 37 degrees. so, i wish i could be thankful for "fall" like you are...