note to readers (all 3 of you): sorry for the lack in posts lately. i have a lot going on in life. and not much of it goes into writing, even though it should.
i've been in a hope-y kind of mood lately. do you ever get in those kinds of moods? what are your hopes and dreams for your life? these are some of mine:
- to have a family that loves the Lord and his good and perfect plan for our lives
- to grow old with my best friend and life partner, jeremy portillo, and to laugh often at our weirdness
- to have as many children as i want, without the worries of money or provisions for them (and i'd like at least one of them to have red hair, although i hope for their sake that they all inherit the hispanic skin from their dad, to avoid the constant worry of sunburn that their mom has)
- to have a beautiful home--not an expensive home or a big home, a beautiful one
- to have a semi-self-sufficient lifestyle, with chickens, a garden, and nearly distant neighbors that have a dairy farm
- for my stationery business to take off, earning me just enough money to live comfortably and having just enough business for me to manage on my own while staying home with my children
- to never again have to work for corporate america. i am just not cut out for it and it will never understand me
- to live near the water, preferably the alabama gulf coast
- to foster lost and abandoned weiner dogs. they are my favorite. i know i should put my love efforts into people, but i love the innocence of dogs and hate cruelty towards animals (yes even cats, although someone else can foster them)
- to have at least one, authentic historically famous chair (the womb chair and the barcelona are at the top of that list)
- to return to italy, the most beautiful and magical place i've ever been
anyway, that's mostly it. for now anyway. i try not to live in the future but sometimes it is just so tempting to think that one day life will be easier, happier, and more carefree. maybe one day...