Sunday, March 20, 2011

a weekend in photos

ah, my favorite event of the year: the fairhope arts and crafts festival. i won't say much. i'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

and these are my besties that came down to experience it with me!

and because it's the peak of spring, everything was in bloom. thanks to the allergy pill i took early that morning, i was able to enjoy spring as much as anyone!
we found a patch of yellow tulips on the way down to the water with one, single, red tulip in the middle. i asked my feller "was i your red tulip??" he said yes :)
and there you go!

Friday, March 18, 2011


i've been searching online for invitations. found a lot of cute (but pricey) ones. i've got to figure out a way to make my own for much cheaper! check them out:

if you're interested, check out these sites:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

this is where i live

well, not right here. but within a 15 minute drive.

when winter is over and it starts to warm up, then i remember "oh yeah! this is what i like about pensacola!"
just give me a swimsuit, an umbrella and/or some spf, and a cold drink. i'm good. all day.
sometimes i still wonder what i'm doing here, but when i think of the beach then i remember how fortunate i am.
God is good, people. real good.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

day 2 of the "adventure"

for those of you interested in my baking soda experiment, let me just tell you: i'm a believer.
yesterday i went to the gym after a day at work and gave the non-deodorant method a harsh test, and afterwards put my pits in the face of my fiance to which he proclaimed "i don't smell a thing!" he's the only one i could trust to not only smell my armpits, but tell me honestly if they were offensive.
it works, folks. after a few weeks i'll let you know if it has still proven as resilient.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

moving on...

i have a feeling the last post probably struck an awkward chord with some, so i'm just going to move on. it was very sincere but i feel like its the elephant-in-the-room post.

so moving on...

i'm kind of a hippy when it comes to some things. not in an extreme way and not at all in my appearance (i like jeans and bras, and surprisingly enough i cannot stand the prius), but i think it's our duty to be educated about things, especially when it comes to our body. i don't like the idea of relying on medication, artificial sweetners, or anything that doesn't occur naturally for that matter. sometimes it's just not avoidable (for example i usually chose coke zero over regular coke because i just don't need the calories and sometimes i just really need a break from water). but sometimes it just takes a little research. for instance, i went to the doctor a while ago because of some harsh mood swings i'd been having. she recommended that i go on birth control, the fixer of all female problems. instead i did some research and found that if you lack any dietary requirements, it can seriously affect your mood. by supplementing my diet with omega 3-6-9, st. john's wort, and 5-htp, i now feel completely normal. no medication necessary.

*ok bear with me here, i know this is going to sound off the wall to some people*

one thing that's recently struck my interest (thanks to my brother-in-law to be) is deodorant. americans are big on it, while almost all other countries in the world don't use it at all. at first i just thought "hey its a cultural difference, we're used to smelling nice." and that's true. europeans actually think americans smell weird because we're so obsessed with smelling like something other than ourselves. while i don't exactly think i could get used to my "natural" smells, i do know one thing: deodorant does not work for me. i've tried it all, folks. i've given up trying to stop my sweat, there's just no use. and plus its good to sweat, it rids your body of toxins. but my most recent challenge is getting rid of my sweat smell. even if i'm wearing deodorant, when i start sweating, i get a deodorant-sweat mix smell which is worse than sweat in my opinion. also, did you know that deodorant is what causes sweat stains in shirts?? its true. look it up. the color is not from your body. it's from a chemical reaction between your sweat and the chemicals in deodorant. i don't know about you, but i'd like my white shirts to last a little longer.

something else you should know: the main ingredient in deodorant is aluminum, which has been linked to alzheimers, and other complications. and although there has been argument, some think it may be linked to breast cancer (but that hasn't been proven). all i know is, it's not natural, and i've only been increasing the percentage of aluminum in my deodorant to try and keep my sweat levels to a minimum. i've gone as high as 20% and noticed little difference. when you think about it, do you really want metal in your pores? i don't know, it seems unnatural to me.

so what are my options? well the obvious one is to stop wearing deodorant all together. but let's be honest, that's just not an option. i don't need to embarrass myself and make people uncomfortable. i'm full-blood american and body odor is not something i enjoy. so i did a little research. across the board, the best option is clear.

this stuff:
that's right. good old fashioned multi-use baking soda. makes perfect sense. you use it in your frig to get rid of smells. you put it out in a bowl the night after you cook fish, you can sprinkle it in your car if moisture has gotten in after a big rain and it'll be fresh and new the next morning. i love baking soda. even on my pearly whites. arm and hammer toothpaste is awesome. if you switch to it you'll never switch back, i promise.

some claim that straight baking soda applied to the underarms (just like baby powder) tends to get a little strong and itchy after a few days, so some say mix it half and half with cornstarch. for extra freshness you can very finely grate orange, lime, or whatever citrus peel in the mix. they also recommend using an antibacterial soap when you shower in the morning, as it prevents bacteria from growing under your arms during the day.

so i'm going to do it. i did it this morning (just baking soda because corn starch was not in my pantry) and so far so good. not a hint of my "natural" body smell. it's quite fresh. i'll let you know how it goes. if that doesn't work, arm and hammer also makes a natural deodorant which many people gave high reviews for. i might give that a go if this doesn't work.

fingers crossed! my fiance calls everything an "adventure" so that's what i'll consider this.

Friday, March 11, 2011

the disease called perfection

a friend recommended this from a father's blog. (and it will also be on my other blog)

sometimes God will place things in your life exactly when you need them.

so after you read that, here's my "perfection" confession:

everyday i have negative thoughts about myself. EVERY DAY. sometimes i am able to overcome them and talk myself out of it. and sometimes i can't and they are just too overpowering and i can't not be disgusted at the thought of myself. and when i say "myself" i mean my physical image. no matter who tells me or how many times they tell me i'm attractive or beautiful i just can't believe it. it's not that i think they're lying--i just don't see how they see it. because when i look at myself, i see pale, fat, saggy, uneven, and disproportional.

i go to the gym and i sweat and i watch myself in the mirror and i think "none of this will ever pay off. you will never look like those girls" as i scan the room and watch the 105lb girls "exercise," knowing they probably had better bodies than me to begin with. i feel like i'm reaching towards an unattainable goal.

and photographs. let's not even talk about photographs. i cannot stand the way i look in most photos. i once logged on to facebook and untagged every picture of me that i thought i looked fat in. it was almost half of my pictures. and now that a wedding is upon me i cannot overcome the immense fear that i will hate my own wedding pictures--that my arms will look to fat or i'll have a double chin, or i'll be too pale, or my "backne" will be showing.

i secretly want to stab tall skinny girls. especially the ones that drink coke for breakfast or seem to always walk in with a mcdonalds bag. i tell myself "they will never know how lucky they are." once i was at a table full of "perfect" women talking about how much they work out and how "skinny" they used to be in college and how they were devastated at how much weight they gained when they were pregnant, or when they got their first cellulite dimple (cellulite and i go way back, i don't remember not having it). one of the women looked at me and said "i think you're a the perfect size." i was somewhat flattered and puzzled at the sametime considering she was smaller than me, but i said "thank you, i work hard for it." and she looked at me in disbelief and said "do you?" and in an instant i knew what she really meant. she really meant that i was an "average size" and that she thought average people that aren't skinny people can't possibly work out, or they'd be skinny like her, because she runs 4 miles every day to maintain her 24" waist.

another time a friend of mine from college invited me to a beach house for a weekend with her friends, few of whom i'd ever met. i had recently enrolled in kung fu and lost 15lbs and i was really proud of how i looked and was excited to show off my new beach body. i got to the beach and all of those girls were skinnier than me and i could tell they knew it. and because it was a beach weekend i brought oreo balls and pigs in a blanket for us to munch on. apparently i didn't get the memo that vacations weren't for giving up diets anymore. let me state for the record that until then i had never left ANY function with leftover oreo balls or pigs in a blanket. i left with more than half. they brought salad and chicken kabobs. and when i told the pilates instructor that i did kung fu while we were talking about fitness (let me also state here that kung fu is intense and i'd challenge a pilates pro to survive one kung fu class any day) they pretended like they didn't hear me. since i didn't look like them i guess that indicated my work-out program was less intense and effective.

you may be thinking "how can you possibly know what those girls were thinking? isn't that a little presumptious?" well no. its not. because i'm a girl and i know what girls think. we were raised to be critics. critics of each other and critics of ourselves.

to all those girls--i feel sorry for you. because i know deep down you feel just like me. or else you wouldn't be a pilates instructor or try and sneakily mention your workout routine in some random story you told so that everyone knows that you're "fit" and "into healthy stuff." and you wouldn't spend hours in a tanning bed, or hundreds of dollars on make up and hair dye, or wear make up and jewelry to the gym (because everone knows rhinestones go with spandex and sweat). not only do i feel sorry for you, but i can relate. no matter where it started or how, we all are dissatisfied with what we look like at some point in time. some of us are just better at hiding it than others.

and other times, i know one thing. if no one else--not even me--finds me beautiful, God does, because he created me and I am HIS. when i know this, it is much easier to see that other people think i'm beautiful, too. then i can remember the good things people have said about me. like how my fiance picked me to marry out of all the other supermodel looking women out there. or easter sundays when my dad used to say he had the most beautiful daughters in the world. or when you accidentally hear someone talking about how good you look, or when someone insists that you've lost weight. or when someone says they wish they had your pretty hair, long eyelashes, or hourglass figure.

if i can look at a woman who i know feels bad about herself and say "i don't know why she's so down on herself--i think she's gorgeous", then why can't we believe that about our own self? it's time to turn that around.

the time i spend in tears, hating my body, and believing the lies i've been fed are just wasted hours. because in the end it doesn't matter--if in the end of your life the only thing you've accomplished is keeping your body fat to under 15%, then you've probably missed out on a lot. including oreo balls and pigs in a blanket.

live a little and love a little. including yourself.

as soon as it gets warm enough

i'm breakin out these bad boys
they're from born shoes, but i got a particuarly good deal on them through amazon (i find it's always a good idea to check amazon whenever i find a pair of shoes i like because 9 times out of 10 they'll have it cheaper than retail locations).
there's not much i like about it getting warmer in florida (not that i don't like warmth, i do, but florida warmth is just an allergen-filled prequel to swealtering heat). but i do love not having my feet bound up in close-toed shoes. i'd just about go barefoot all the time if i could.
bring on the sandals and flip flops.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the big day

this is where it will be!
(and if it rains i'll be standing at the top of those stairs)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

i pretty much like barns

i love old barns. something about them is so respectable and peaceful.

here's a barn out on wire road heading away from auburn.

same barn. different weather.

winter turns everything into something different doesn't it?

Friday, March 4, 2011

flowers and things

these are some things i'm liking these days
i like this minus the succulents. i don't think they're bad looking--i just thing people have gone into a succulent fad. i don't want to look back at my wedding pictures and go "yuck...well it was popular then..." sort of like the big hat fad of the 80s. that was unfortunate.

for a guest book! neato!

orange dahlias. love em.