as i'm quickly approaching a wedding, another thing i'm quickly approaching is a honeymoon! where to go, where to go, where to go.
no tropical paradise for me, nuhhh uh. i live in heat at least 6 months out of the year. not mildness, no no. heat. warmth. humidity. as in, don't walk too fast to your car or you'll break a sweat.
i've heard wonderful things about the irish countryside. its green, cool, quaint, and full of history. i could do that. i could do that any day. can you imagine staying in a castle that's older than our country? and of course, you can stay somewhere international and not worry about the language barrier (i hope--some strong irish accents can sound like an incomprehensible language). sure, i could do ireland.
but if we go that far, why not swing just a little south and head on to finish a love affair i started almost 4 years ago. good gracious, has it been that long?
i dream of italy almost every day. america has a beauty about it, but something about italy never escapes the mind. the landscapes, the food, the way of life--it's enough to make an american ask "what have i been doing my whole life?"
everyone wants to visit italy, and i can understand why. when God created earth, italy must have been last. italy must have been when he stopped and proclaimed "it is good". i could go on forever, but i won't. if you've been, you know.
my fiance (that's still weird to say) has not been. and i think i torture him talking about it. i would love to go with him. but do we explore something new to both of us? or do i pick up where i left off with a new companion? we'll see.
while i figure this out, here are a few snippets for your viewing pleasure.

every day i grow more nostalgic. in the case of italy, absence does make the heart grow fonder. a part of me wonders if i went back if it would be as sweet as i remember. maybe i'll just have to find out!