in terms of my own living quarters, practicing what i preach is hard when you are an underpaid young designer (i could make more working at a department store). i've heard the comments and seen the faces when people enter my abode and think "it doesn't look like you're an interior designer." I'M POOR, OK?! my money instantly goes to rent, bills, food, etc. or lately, the money-devouring process of applying for the ncidq. don't these people know that 2 years into the practice, handing out that many benjamins for licensure is not exactly easy? give us a break!
however, i've become a great bargain finder lately. ikea, target, craig's list, and thrift stores have become my good friends. the number one thing i look out for is chairs. i love chairs. in the past couple of months i have aquired a circa 1880 french fauteuil, and (my most recent addition): 2 danish modern chairs!

i found them on craig's list for $25 each! can you believe it? i don't know how much they're worth, but they're in perfect condition, minus a few scratches on the wood that could easily be sanded and re-stained with one of those cool pen stain thingies. they are JL Moller Chairs and more info can be found here.
of course, this creates a problem because it is no secret my design preference is international/ post-modern. but if i keep collecting chairs like this it won't fit into any kind of design niche. so, in that case, i've decided eclecticism is ok with me. everyone else just has to understand that i can't have a mult-million dollar looking home, because i don't have that many benjamins...i rent a 30 year old apartment with carpet, vinyl, and a slight roach problem (hey, its florida) and the smallest bathroom next to european ones.
but one day...just you wait. this will all come together.