Wednesday, November 25, 2009

some holiday warmth

too bad i live in a state where fireplaces aren't needed. well, actually, i take that back. i have yet to turn on my heat for money saving purposes and it gets pretty cold at night. space heaters usually work but i've vowed not to sleep with one running because my mama thinks my house will burn down.

the cupola fireplace would be perfect. no chimney? no problem. it is kind of expensive...but i've also never priced out fireplaces so there's a chance a real fireplace (chimney and all) would be much more. and no chance of your draperies being set a blaze! neato!

on another note--and quite appropriately--i am very thankful that i have heat to turn on if i please. being a pretty cold-natured person, i can't imagine what it would be like to have no heat or shelter at this time of year. there are many people who do without, but thankfully, we can help. a co-worker recently shared this website with me:

if you can make it through without a small heartbreak, then you've got some issues. after reading through about 12 pages, it became so overwhelming seeing how many people are unable to provide thanksgiving and christmas for their family. some only need cards, stocking stuffers, and prayers, which i'm sure anyone can help with.

next time you think you're having a crappy day, read what some of these people have written. i encourage everyone to help out at least one person in some way--the problem is chosing which one!

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Saturday, November 21, 2009

another one bites the dust

one of my favorite fabrics of all time, maharam: climb, is being discontined. its manufacturing plant is shutting down. our rep came in this week and delivered the bad news, so instantly i went online to look it up and save pictures, but it's even pulled it from the website!!! the most i could find was this google image. sad.

i used the blue/brown colorway on my second senior thesis (that's right, we had two...don't get me started) and i hoped to use it one day in real life. too bad.

maharam: climb, you will be missed!!!

great deals on great design

a co-worker has a few of these great collectibles. i said " much did you pay for those things?" she said "about 20 bucks"

get out of town!

firebox (what appears to be an asian toy company) offers these cute collectibles for a fraction of the cost of the real production--and you can't tell a difference! you can either buy the set or you can buy one and they send you a random pick. fun!

normally i'm not one for clutter and i haven't collected much since rocks when i was 7, but these i could find a place for :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

i've never needed something so badly

why don't i live in san diego? dear smash shack : please open a branch in pensacola.
k, thanks.

Friday, November 6, 2009

chic-a-cherry cola

isn't this awesome? it was on arch daily a few days ago. its my background at work right now. the building itself is, in my opinion, a little weird. but this photo jumped at me for many reasons, and has a lot in common with me: a good mix of old and new, clean lines, neutrals and reds. when i saw this i heard that coca-cola sound: *click*pop*...*glug-glug*..*ahhhhh* except for i hate coke. love cherry coke. weird, i know.

the greater gulf coast arts festival is this weekend in pcola. i'm excited! i hope to bring you back a few pieces of delightment! (is that a word? it is now).

Monday, November 2, 2009


these are my mom's dogs. hilarious. i'm surprised she went through the effort to get these on them.

really though, animals dressed up is one of the funniest things to me. i've tried dressing up my dog tilly in the past. but she refuses to use her limbs once i get anything on her. i stand her up and she just falls over like the 1/2 lb. costume is too much for her to possibly bear.

although rocky and lucy up there don't look too thrilled!